robotics for allrobotics for all

stem education classes and mentoring for students from underserved communities
to inspire kids to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math
by donating money and volunteering

What does
robotics for all

Robotics For All offers STEM education classes and mentoring for students from underserved communities. The Robotics For All classes cover Scratch, Python, Tinkercard, Onshape, HTML/CSS, and more coding topics. Classes are 8 weeks long and have a 5:1 student to teacher ratio.

What is the mission of
robotics for all

The mission of Robotics For All is to inspire kids to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math. Robotics For All is empowering students by creating access to equitable educational opportunities in STEM at young ages to prepare kids for future careers in STEM.

How can you support
robotics for all

Support Robotics For All by donating money and volunteering. Your donation goes directly to supporting the Robotics For All operations, like purchasing equipment, online software fees and insurance fees. You also can volunteer for teaching, leadership, publicity, technical, and other roles.

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Charities In california Where
robotics for all
Is Located

robotics for all
is located in
palo alto,
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last updated
May 10, 2024

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